It’s about community and great coffee.

Tanbark City is where we’re from. The area, surrounding hills and the property we roast and live on in neighboring Scio provided the Hemlocks used for tanning.

Tanbark City is what Wellsville NY was called in the late 1800’s because it was home to the largest leather tanning plant for Hemlock tanned sole leather in NY State and one of the largest in the whole of the United States.

It’s about history. It’s where we raised our kids, where they went to school and where their mother was born and raised, and is now a schoolteacher.

It’s about love for your community. It’s about providing something that makes us stand out. It’s about pride. It’s about quality.

It’s about love for good coffee, and our goal is to provide you with the best cup of coffee you’ve had anywhere! Right from our little city.

We pride ourselves in sourcing our coffee from buyers who deal with the farmers on a more personal basis and try to improve their lives, environment and communities that they live in. We do our best to offer only organic and fairly produced and supplied options.

We’re doing our best to do something positive for our community by supplying the best coffee we can find and roast.

We grew ourselves and our families here. We have a deep love for the Southern Tier of NY and Northern Tier of PA and the beauty and friendly atmosphere many of us either grew up with or have learned to call home.

Straight to the point. No time for games. Pleasantly bold with a dabble of smokiness towards the end of each sip.

A good smoky. Some of the best damned dark roast I’ve ever consumed.

Dennis Knowles, a real customer


What’s currently offered and what’s coming soon.

** We also offer 2lb bags, and 2.5oz One Pot Bags for sampling, travel and backpacking, please contact us for these items.

What’s That?

Helping to understand labeling. What does it all mean?